6183. OFFICE-HOLDERS, Removals.—[further continued]..
Rigorous justice required
that as the federalists had filled every
office with their friends to the avowed exclusion
of republicans, that the latter should
be admitted to a participation of office, by
the removal of some of the former. This was
done to the extent of about twenty only out
of some thousands, and no more was intended.
But instead of their acknowledging
its moderation, it has been a ground for their
more active enmity. After a twelve months'
trial I have at length been induced to remove
three or four more of those most marked
for their bitterness, and active zeal in slandering,
and in electioneering. Whether we shall
proceed any further, will depend on themselves.
Those who are quiet, and take no part against
that order of things which the public will has
established, will be safe. Those who continue
to clamor against it, to slander and oppose
it, shall not be armed with its wealth and
power for its own destruction. The late re
movals have been intended merely as monitory,
but such officers, as shall afterwards
continue to bid us defiance, shall as certainly
be removed, if the case shall become known.
A neutral conduct is all I ever desired, and
this the public have a right to expect.—
To Elbridge Gerry.
Ford ed., viii, 169.
Aug. 1802)