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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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6008. NOTES ON VIRGINIA, Slavery and.—

I had two hundred copies [of my
“Notes on Virginia”] printed, but do not put
them out of my own hands, except two or three
copies here and two which I shall send to
America, to yourself and Colonel Monroe.
* * * I beg you to peruse it carefully, because
I ask your advice on it, and ask nobody's
else. I wish to put it into the hands of the
young men at the College [William and Mary,] as well on account of the political as the physical
parts. But there are sentiments on some
subjects which I apprehend might be displeasing
to the country, perhaps to the Assembly, or to
some who lead it. I do not wish to be exposed
to their censure; nor do I know how far their
influence, if exerted, might effect a misapplication
of law to such a publication were it
made. Communicate it, then, in confidence to
those whose judgments and information you
would pay respect to; and if you think it will
give no offense, I will send a copy to each of
the students of William and Mary College, and
some others to my friends and to your disposal;
otherwise I shall send over only a very
few copies to particular friends in confidence
and burn the rest. Answer me soon and without
reserve. Do not view me as an author,
and attached to what he has written. I am
neither. they were at first intended only for
Marbois. When I had enlarged them, I thought
first of giving copies to three or four friends.
I have since supposed they might set our young
students into a useful train of thought, and in
no event do I propose to admit them to go to
the public at large.—
To James Madison. Ford ed., iv, 46.
(P. May. 1785)