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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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5587. MUSIC, Domestic bands.—

bounds of an American fortune will not admit
the indulgence of a domestic band of musicians,
yet I have thought that a passion for music
might be reconciled with that economy which
we are obliged to observe. I retain, for instance,
among my domestic servants a gardener,
a weaver, a cabinet-maker, and a stone-cutter,
to which I would add a vigneron. In a country
where, like yours [France], music is cultivated
and practiced by every class of men, I suppose
there might be found persons of these trades
who could perform on the French horn, clarionet,
or hautboy, and bassoon, so that one might
have a band of two French horns, two clarionets,
two hautboys, and a bassoon, without
enlarging his domestic expenses. A certainty
of employment for a half dozen years, and at
the end of that time, to find them, if they chose,
a conveyance to their own country, might induce
them to come here on reasonable wages.
Without meaning to give you trouble, perhaps
it might be practicable for you * * * to
find out such men disposed to come to America.
Sobriety and good nature would be desirable
parts of their characters. If you think
such a plan practicable, and will be so kind as
to inform me what will be necessary to be
done on my part, I will take care that it shall
be done.
To——. Washington ed. i, 209. Ford ed., ii, 159.
(Wg. 1778)