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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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5483. MONROE (James), Mission to France.—[continued].

You possess the unlimited
confidence of the Administration, and
of the western people; and generally of the republicans
everywhere; and were you to refuse
to go, no other man can be found who does this.
* * * All eyes, all hopes, are now fixed on
you; and were you to decline, the chagrin would
be universal, and would shake under your feet
the high ground on which you stand with the
public. Indeed, I know nothing which would
produce such a shock, for on the event of this
mission depend the future destinies of this republic.
If we cannot, by a purchase of the
country, ensure to ourselves a course of perpetual
peace and friendship with all nations,
then, as war cannot be distant, it behooves us
immediately to be preparing for that course,
without, however, hastening it; and it may be
necessary (on your failure on the continent)
to cross the channel. We shall get entangled
in European politics, and figuring more, be
much less happy and prosperous. This can
only be prevented by a successful issue to
your present mission. I am sensible after the
measures you have taken for getting into a
different line of business, that it will be a great
sacrifice on your part, and presents from the
season and other circumstances serious difficulties.
But some men are born for the public.
Nature by fitting them for the service of
the human race on a broad scale, has stamped
them with the evidences of her destination and
their duty.—
To James Monroe. Washington ed. vi, 454. Ford ed., iv, 190.
(W. Jan. 1803)

See Louisiana.