University of Virginia Library

5329. MONARCHY, Advocates for.—[further continued] .

While you [in France] are exterminating the monster aristocracy, and
pulling out the teeth and fangs of its associate,
monarchy, a contrary tendency is discovered
in some here. A sect has shown itself
among us, who declare they espoused our new
Constitution not as a good and sufficient thing
in itself, but only as a step to an English constitution,
the only thing good and sufficient in
itself, in their eyes. It is happy for us that
these are preachers without followers, and
that our people are firm and constant in their
republican purity. You will wonder to be told
that it is from the Eastward chiefly that these
champions for a King, lords and commons,
come. They get some important associates
from New York, and are puffed up by a tribe
of Agioteurs which have been hatched in a bed
of corruption made up after the model of
their beloved England. Too many of these
stock-jobbers and king-jobbers have come into
our Legislature, or rather too many of our
Legislature have become stock-jobbers and
king-jobbers. However, the voice of the people
is beginning to make itself heard, and will probably
cleanse their seats at the ensuing election.—
To General Lafayette. Washington ed. iii, 450. Ford ed., vi, 78.
(Pa., 1792)