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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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5328. MONARCHY, Advocates for.—[further continued].

The ultimate object of
all this increase of public debt, establishment
of a paper money system, corruption of Congress,
etc., is, it is charged, to prepare the way
for a change from the present republican form
of government to that of a monarchy, of which
the English constitution is to be the model.
That this was contemplated in the [Federal] Convention is no secret, because its partisans
have made none of it. To effect it then was
impracticable, but they are still eager after
their object, and are predisposing everything
for its ultimate attainment. So many of them
have got into the Legislature, that, aided by the
corrupt squadron of paper dealers, who are at
their devotion, they make a majority in both
houses. The republican party, who wish to preserve
the government in its present form, are
fewer in number. They are fewer even when
joined by the two, three, or half dozen antifederalists,
who, though they dare not avow it,
are still opposed to any General Government;
but, being less so to a republican than a
monarchical one, they naturally join those
whom they think pursuing the lesser evil.—
To President Washington. Washington ed. iii, 361. Ford ed., vi, 3.
(Pa., May. 1792)