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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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5130. MASSACHUSETTS, Patriotism of People.—

The progression of sentiment in
the great body of our fellow citizens of Massachusetts,
and the increasing support of their
opinion, I have seen with satisfaction, and was
ever confident I should see; persuaded that an
enlightened people, whenever they should view
impartially the course we have pursued, could
never wish that our measures should have been
reversed; could never desire that the expenses
of the government should have been increased,
taxes multiplied, debt accumulated, wars undertaken,
and the tomahawk and scalping knife
left in the hands of our neighbors, rather than
the hoe and plough. In whatever tended to
strengthen the republican features of our Constitution,
we could not fail to expect from
Massachusetts, the cradle of our Revolutionary
principles, an ultimate concurrence; and cultivating
the peace of nations, with justice and
prudence, we yet were always confident that,
whenever our rights would have to be vindicated
against the aggression of foreign foes, or
the machinations of internal conspirators, the
people of Massachusetts, so prominent in the
military achievements which placed our country
in the right of self-government, would never be
found wanting in their duty to the calls of their
country, or the requisitions of their government.—
R. to A. Massachusetts Legislature, Washington ed. viii, 116.
(Feb. 1807)