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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
35 occurrences of george logan
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4798. LOUISIANA, Acquisition of.—
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35 occurrences of george logan
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4798. LOUISIANA, Acquisition of.—

Congress witnessed, at their last session, the
extraordinary agitation produced in the public
mind by the suspension of our right of
deposit at the port of New Orleans, no assignment
of another place having been made
according to treaty. [313] They were sensible
that the continuance of that privation would
be more injurious to our nation than any consequences
which could flow from any mode
of redress, but reposing just confidence in the
good faith of the government whose officer
had committed the wrong, friendly and reasonable
representations were resorted to, and
the right of deposit was restored. Previous,
however, to this period, we had not been unaware
of the danger to which our peace would
be perpetually exposed while so important a
key to the commerce of the western country
remained under foreign power. Difficulties,
too, were presenting themselves as to the navigation
of other streams, which, arising within
territories, pass through those adjacent.
Propositions had, therefore, been authorized
for obtaining, on fair conditions, the sovereignty
of New Orleans, and of other possessions
in that quarter interesting to our quiet,
to such extent as was deemed practicable;
and the provisional appropriation of two millions
of dollars, to be applied and accounted
for by the President of the United States,
intended as part of the price, was considered
as conveying the sanction of Congress to the
acquisition proposed. The enlightened Government
of France saw, with just discernment,
the importance to both nations of such
liberal arrangements as might best and permanently
promote the peace, friendship, and interests
of both; and the property and sovereignty
of all Louisiana, which had been restored
to them, have on certain conditions
been transferred to the United States by instruments
bearing date the 30th of April last.
When these shall have received the constitutional
sanction of the Senate, they will without
delay be communicated to the Representatives
also, for the exercise of their functions,
as to those conditions which are within
the powers vested by the Constitution in
Congress. While the property and sovereignty
of the Mississippi and its waters secure
an independent outlet for the produce
of the Western States, and an uncontrolled
navigation through their whole course, free
from collision with other powers and the
dangers to our peace from that source, the
fertility of the country, its climate and extent,
promise in due season important aids
to our treasury, an ample provision for our
posterity, and a wide-spread field for the
blessings of freedom and equal laws. With
the wisdom of Congress it will rest to take
those ulterior measures which may be necessary
for the immediate occupation and temporary
government of the country; for its incorporation
into our Union; for rendering the
change of government a blessing to our newlyadopted
brethren; for securing to them the
rights of conscience and of property; for confirming
to the Indian inhabitants their occupancy
and self-government, establishing
friendly and commercial relations with them,
and for ascertaining the geography of the
country acquired.—
Third Annual Message. Washington ed. viii, 23. Ford ed., viii. 267.
(Oct. 17, 1803)


Spain, on October 1, 1800, ceded all Louisiana to
France, but the transaction was kept so secret that it
did not become known in the United States until the
spring of 1802. In October of that year, the Spanish
Intendant at New Orleans issued an order, in violation
of treaty stipulations, depriving the United
States of the right of deposit at that port. This act
so inflamed the Western people that they threatened
to march on New Orleans and settle the question by
force of arms. The federalists clamored for war. In
this perilous condition of affairs, Congress, in secret
session, placed two million dollars at the disposal of
the President, to be used as he saw fit, and left him
free to deal with the situation. He immediately sent
James Monroe as Minister Plenipotentiary to Paris,
joining with him in a high Commission Robert R.
Livingston, Minister to France. The purchase of
Louisiana was negotiated by them.—Editor.