University of Virginia Library

4558. LEARNING, Classical.—[continued].

Among the values of
classical learning, I estimate the luxury of reading
the Greek and Roman authors in all the
beauties of their originals. And why should
not this innocent and elegant luxury take its
preeminent stand ahead of all those addressed
merely to the senses? I think myself more indebted
to my father for this than for all the
other luxuries his cares and affections have
placed within my reach; and more now than
when younger, and more susceptible of delights
from other sources. When the decays of age
have enfeebled the useful energies of the mind,
the classic pages fill up the vacuum of ennui, and become sweet composers to that rest of the
grave into which we are all sooner or later to
To John Brazier. Washington ed. vii, 131.

See Education, Languages, Science, and University.