University of Virginia Library

4509. LAW, Lex Talionis.—

The Lex
although a restitution of the Common
Law, * * * [is] revolting to the
humanized feelings of modern times. An eye
for an eye, and a hand for a hand, will exhibit
spectacles in execution whose moral effect
would be questionable; and even the
membrum pro membro of Bracton, or the
punishment of the offending member, although
long authorized by our law, for the
same offence in a slave, has been not long
since repealed, in conformity with public sentiment.
This needs reconsideration. [291]
To George Wythe. Washington ed. i, 146. Ford ed., ii, 204.
(M. 1778)


From Jefferson's letter to George Wythe enclosing
the draft of the bill for “Proportioning Crimes and
Punishments in cases heretofore capital”.—Editor.