4007. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS, Constitutional Amendment.—[continued].
Supposing that it might
be for the good of the whole, as some of its
co-States seem to think, that this power of
making roads and canals should be added to
those directly given to the Federal branch,
as more likely to be systematically and bene-ficially
directed, than by the independent action
of the several States, this Commonwealth [
Virginia], from respect to these opinions,
and a desire of conciliation with its
co-States, will consent, in concurrence with
them, to make this addition, provided it be
done regularly by an amendment of the compact,
in the way established by that instrument,
and provided, also, it be sufficiently
guarded against abuses, compromises, and
corrupt practices, not only of possible, but of
probable occurrence.—
Virginia Protest. Washington ed. ix, 499.
Ford ed., x, 352.