University of Virginia Library

3771. HOME, Pleasures of.—

Having no
particular subject for a letter, I find none more
soothing to my mind than to indulge itself in
expressions of the love I bear you, and the
delight with which I recall the various scenes
through which we have passed together in our
wanderings over the world. These reveries alleviate
the toils and inquietudes of my present
situation[Secretary of State] and leave me
always impressed with the desire of being at
home once more, and of exchanging labor, envy,
and malice for ease, domestic occupation, and
domestic love and society; where I may once
more be happy with you, with Mr. Randolph,
and dear little Anne, with whom even Socrates
might ride on a stick without being ridiculous.—
To Martha Jefferson Randolph. Ford ed., v, 422.
(P. 1792)