3596. GRANGER (Gideon), Burr's enemy.—
In the winter of 1803-4, another train
of events took place which, * * * I think
it but justice to yourself that I should state.
I mean the intrigues which were in agitation,
and at the bottom of which we believed Colonel
Burr to be; to form a coalition of the five Eastern
States, with New York and New Jersey,
under the appellation of the seven Eastern
States; either to overawe the Union by the
combination of their power and their will, or by
threats of separating themselves from it. Your
intimacy with some of those in the secret gave
you opportunities of searching into their proceedings,
of which you made me daily and
confidential reports. This intimacy to which I
had such useful recourse, at the time, rendered
you an object of suspicion with many as being
yourself a partisan of Colonel Burr, and engaged
in the very combination which you were
faithfully employed in defeating. I never failed
to justify you to all those who brought their
suspicions to me, and to assure them of my
knowledge of your fidelity. Many were the individuals,
then members of the Legislature, who
received these assurances from me, and whose
apprehensions were thereby quieted. This first
project of Burr having vanished in smoke, he
directed his views to the Western country.—
To Gideon Granger. Washington ed. vi, 330.
Ford ed., ix, 455.