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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
35 occurrences of george logan
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35 occurrences of george logan
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3457. GEORGE IV., Character of.—

As the character of the Prince of Wales is becoming
interesting, I have endeavored to learn
what it truly is. This is less difficult in his case
than in that of other persons of rank, because
he has taken no pains to hide himself from the
world. * * * The total of his education
was the learning a little Latin, but he speaks
French without the slightest foreign accent,
from the circumstance that, when very young,
his father had put only French servants about
him. He has not a single element of mathematics,
of natural or moral philosophy, or of
any other science on earth, nor has the society
he has kept been such as to supply the void of
education. It has been of the lowest, the most
illiterate and profligate persons of the Kingdom,
without choice of rank or mind, and with whom
the subjects of conversation are only horses,
drinking-matches, bawdy houses, and in terms
the most vulgar. The young nobility, who begin
by associating with him, soon leave him,
disgusted with the insupportable profligacy of
his society; and Mr. Fox, who has been supposed
his favorite, and not over-nice in the
choice of company, would never keep him company
habitually. In fact, he never associated
with a man of sense. He has not a single idea
of justice, morality, religion, or of the rights of
men, or any anxiety for the opinion of the
world. He carries that indifference for fame
so far, that he would probably be hurt were he
to lose his throne, provided he could be assured
of having always meat, drink, horses and women.
* * * He had a fine person, but it is
becoming coarse. He possesses good native
common sense, is affable, polite and very good-humored.
* * * The Duke of York, who
was for some time cried up as the prodigy of
the family, is as profligate, and of less understanding.—
To John Jay, Washington ed. ii, 559. Ford ed., v, 60.
(P. 1789)