3454. GEORGE III., Services to America.—
We have a blind story here [Paris] of
somebody attempting to assassinate your [217]
King. No man upon earth has my prayers for
his continuance in life more sincerely than he.
He is truly the American Messias, the most
precious life that ever God gave. And May
God continue it. Twenty long years has he
been laboring to drive us to our good, and he
labors and will labor still for it, if he can be
spared. We shall have need of him for twenty
more. The Prince of Wales on the throne,
Lansdowne and Fox in the ministry and we are
undone! We become chained by our habits
to the tails of those who hate and despise us.
I repeat it, then, that my anxieties are all
alive for the health and long life of the King.
He has not a friend on earth who would lament
his loss as much and so long as I should.—
To Mrs. John Adams.
Ford ed., iv, 261.