University of Virginia Library

3049. FLORIDA, Spain and.—[continued].

I am not sorry for the
non-ratification of the Spanish treaty. Our assent
to it has proved our desire to be on friendly
terms with Spain; their dissent, the imbecility
and malignity of their government towards us,
have placed them in the wrong in the eyes of
the world, and that is well; but to us the province
of Techas will be the richest State of our
Union, without any exception. Its southern
part will make more sugar than we can consume,
and the Red River, on its North, is the
most luxuriant country on earth. Florida,
moreover, is ours. Every nation in Europe
considers it such a right. We need not care
for its occupation in time of peace, and, in war,
the first cannon makes it ours without offence
to anybody. The friendly advisements, too, of
Russia and France, as well as the change of
government in Spain, now ensured, require a
further and respectful forbearance. While their
request will rebut the plea of proscriptive possession,
it will give us a right to their approbation
when taken in the maturity of circumstances.
I really think, too, that neither the
state of our finances, the condition of our country,
nor the public opinion, urges us to precipitation
into war. The treaty has had the valuable
effect of strengthening our title to the
Techas, because the cession of the Floridas in
exchange for Techas imports an acknowledgment
of our right to it. This province moreover,
the Floridas and possibly Cuba, will join
us on the acknowledgment of their independence,
a measure to which their new government,
will probably accede voluntarily.—
To President Monroe. Washington ed. vii, 160. Ford ed., x, 158.
(M. May. 1820)

See Louisiana, Monroe Doctrine, and Spain.