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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
883 occurrences of jefferson
[Clear Hits]

68  expand sectionA. 
39  expand sectionB. 
66  expand sectionC. 
45  expand sectionD. 
46  expand sectionE. 
26  collapse sectionF. 
3001. FINANCES, Disordered.—
22  expand sectionG. 
14  expand sectionH. 
13  expand sectionI. 
77  expand sectionJ. 
expand sectionK. 
66  expand sectionL. 
43  expand sectionM. 
18  expand sectionN. 
expand sectionO. 
49  expand sectionP. 
expand sectionQ. 
47  expand sectionR. 
42  expand sectionS. 
30  expand sectionT. 
expand sectionU. 
expand sectionV. 
13  expand sectionW. 
expand sectionX. 
expand sectionY. 
expand sectionZ. 

15  expand section 
81  expand section 
883 occurrences of jefferson
[Clear Hits]

3001. FINANCES, Disordered.—

I do not
at all wonder at the condition in which the
finances of the United States are found.
Hamilton's object from the beginning, was to
throw them into forms which should be utterly
undecipherable. I ever said he did not
understand their condition himself, nor was
able to give a clear view of the excess of our
debts beyond our credits, nor whether we
were diminishing or increasing the debt. My
own opinion was, that from the commencement
of this government to the time I ceased
to attend to the subject, we had been increasing
our debt about a million of dollars annually.
If Mr. Gallatin would undertake to
reduce this chaos to order, present us with
a clear view of our finances, and put them
into a form as simple as they will admit, he
will merit immortal honor. The accounts of
the United States ought to be, and may be
made as simple as those of a common farmer,
and capable of being understood by common
To James Madison. Washington ed. iv, 131. Ford ed., vii, 61.
(M. March. 1796)