University of Virginia Library

2922. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, Functions.—

To draw around the whole nation
the strength of the General Government,
as a barrier against foreign foes, to
watch the borders of every State, that no external
hand may intrude, or disturb the exercise
of self-government reserved to itself, to
equalize and moderate the public contributions,
that while the requisite services are
invited by due remuneration, nothing beyond
this may exist to attract the attention of our
citizens from the pursuits of useful industry,
nor unjustly to burthen those who continue
in those pursuits—these are functions of the
General Government on which you have a
right to call * * * These shall be faithfully
pursued according to the plain and candid
import of the expressions in which they
were announced [in the first inaugural address].—
Reply to Vermont Address. Washington ed. iv, 418.
(W. 1801)