University of Virginia Library

2616. ENGLAND, Commerce with.—[continued].

If we can obtain from
Great Britain reasonable conditions of commerce
(which, in my idea, must forever include
an admission into her [West India] islands), the freest ground between these two
nations would seem to be the best. But if
we can obtain no equal terms from her, perhaps
Congress might think it prudent, as Holland
has done, to connect us unequivocally
with France. Holland has purchased the protection
of France. The price she pays, is aid
in time of war.
It is interesting for us to purchase
a free commerce with the French islands.
But whether it is best to pay for it
by aids in war, or by privileges in commerce,
or not to purchase it at all,
is the question.—
Report to Congress. Washington ed. ix, 244. Ford ed., iv, 130.
(P. 1785)