University of Virginia Library

2467. ELECTIONS (Presidential, 1800), Balloting in House—[further continued] .

After exactly a week's
balloting there at length appeared ten States
for me, four for Burr, and two voted blanks.
This was done without a single vote coming
over. Morris, of Vermont, withdrew, so that
Lyon's vote became that of the State. The
four Maryland federalists put in blanks, so that
the vote of the four republicans became that
of their State. Mr. Hager, of South Carolina
(who had constantly voted for me) withdrew
by agreement, his colleagues agreeing in that
case to put in blanks. Bayard, the sole member
of Delaware, voted blank. They had before
deliberated whether they would come over
in a body, when they saw they could not foree
Burr on the republicans, or keep their body
entire and unbroken to act in phalanx on such
ground of opposition as they shall hereafter be
able to conjure up. Their vote showed what
they had decided on, and is considered as a
declaration of perpetual war; but their conduct
has completely left them without support.—
To T. M. Randolph. Washington ed. iv, 358. Ford ed., vii, 497.
(W. Feb. 19, 1801)