University of Virginia Library

2459. ELECTIONS (Presidential, 1796), Vice-Presidency. ‐ [further continued].

I have no ambition to
govern men; no passion which would lead me
to delight to ride in a storm. Flumina amo,
sylvasque, inglorius.
My attachment to my
home has enabled me to make the calculation
with rigor, perhaps with partiality, to the issue
which keeps me there. The newspapers will
permit me to plant my corn, peas, &c., in hills
or drills as I please (and my oranges, by-thebye,
when you send them), while our eastern
friend will be struggling with the storm which
is gathering over us; perhaps be shipwrecked
in it. This is certainly not a moment to covet
the helm.—
To Edward Rutledge. Washington ed. iv, 152. Ford ed., vii, 94.
(M. Dec. 1796)