2306. DUTIES, Discriminating.—
It is true we must expect some inconvenience in
practice from the establishment of discriminating
duties. But in this, as in so many other
cases, we are left to choose between two evils.
These inconveniences are nothing when
weighed against the loss of wealth and loss
of force, which will follow our perseverance in
the plan of indiscrimination. When once it
shall be perceived that we are either in the
system, or in the habit, of giving equal advantages
to those who extinguish our commerce
and navigation by duties and prohibitions,
as to those who treat both with liberality
and justice, liberality and justice will be
converted by all into duties and prohibitions.
It is not to the moderation and justice of
others we are to trust for fair and equal access
to market with our productions, or for
our due share in the transportation of them;
but to our means of independence, and the
firm will to use them. Nor do the incon
veniences of discrimination merit consideration.
* * * Perhaps not a commercial
nation on earth is without them.—
Foreign Commerce Report. Washington ed. vii, 650.
Ford ed., vi, 483.
(Dec. 1793)