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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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2270. DRAWBACKS, Evils of.—

respect to the interests of the United States
in this exuberant commerce which is now
bringing war on us, we concur perfectly. It
brings us into collision with other powers
in every sea, and will force us into every war
of the European powers. The converting this
great agricultural country into a city of Amsterdam,—a mere headquarters for carrying on
the commerce of all nations with one another,
is too absurd. Yet this is the real object of the
drawback system,—it enriches a few individuals,
but lessens the stock of native productions,
by withdrawing from them all the hands
thus employed. It is essentially interesting to
us to have shipping and seamen enough to
carry our surplus produce to market; but beyond
that, I do not think we are bound to
give it encouragement by drawbacks or premiums.
I wish you may be right in supposing
that the trading States would now be willing
to give up the drawbacks, and to denationalize
all ships taking foreign articles on board
for any other destination than the United
States, on being secured by discriminating
duties, or otherwise in the exclusive carryage
of the produce of the United States. I should
doubt it. Were such a proposition to come
from them, I presume it would meet with little
difficulty. Otherwise, I suppose it must wait
till peace, when the right of drawback will be
less valued than the exclusive carryage of
our own produce.—
To Benjamin Stoddert. Washington ed. v, 426. Ford ed., ix, 245.
(W. Feb. 1809)


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