2254. DOLLAR, Copper coinage and.—
The hundredth [of a dollar], or copper, will
differ little from the copper of the four Eastern
States, which is 1-108 of a dollar; still
less from the penny of New York and North
Carolina, which is 1-96 of a dollar; and somewhat
more from the penny or copper of Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland,
which is 1-90 of a dollar. It will be about
the medium between the old and the new coppers
of these States, and will, therefore, soon
be substituted for them both. In Virginia,
coppers have never been in use. It will be as
easy, therefore, to introduce them there of
one value as of another. The copper coin
proposed will be nearly equal to three-fourths
of their penny, which is the same with the
penny lawful of the Eastern States.—
Notes on a Money Unit. Washington ed. i, 165.
Ford ed., iii, 449.