University of Virginia Library

1803. CORAY (A.), Works of.—

I recollect
with pleasure the short opportunity of acquaintance
with you afforded me in Paris
* * * and the fine editions of the classical
writers of Greece, which have been announced
by you from time to time, have never permitted
me to lose the recollection. Until those of
Aristotle's Ethics and the Strategicos of Onesander,
with which you have now favored me
* * * I had seen only your Lives of Plutarch.
* * * I profited much by your valuable
scholia. * * * You have certainly begun
at the right end towards preparing [your
countrymen] for the great object they are now
contending for, by improving their minds and
qualifying them for self-government. For this
they will owe you lasting honors. Nothing is
more likely to forward this object than a study
of the fine models of science left by their ancestors,
to whom we also are all indebted for the
lights which originally led ourselves out of
Gothic darkness.—
To A. Coray. Washington ed. vii, 318.
(M. 1823)