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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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1659. CONSTITUTION (The Federal), Amendments to.—[further continued] .

Those who formerly
usurped the name of federalists, which in
they never were, have now openly abandoned
it, and are as openly marching by the
road of construction, in a direct line to that
consolidation which was always their real object.
They, almost to a man, are in possession
of one branch of the government, and appear
to be very strong in yours. The three
great questions of amendment now before
you, will give the measure of their strength.
I mean, 1st, the limitation of the term of the
Presidential service; 2nd, the placing the
choice of President effectually in the hands of
the people; 3rd, the giving to Congress the
power of internal improvement, on condition
that each State's federal proportion of the
moneys so expended shall be employed within
the State. The friends of consolidation would
rather take these powers by construction than
accept them by direct investiture of the States.
Yet, as to internal improvement particularly,
there is probably not a State in the Union
which would not grant the power on the condition
proposed, or which would grant it
without that. * * * If I can see these
three great amendments prevail, I shall consider
it as a renewed extension of the term
of our lease, shall live in more confidence and
die in more hope.—
To Robert J. Garnett. Washington ed. vii, 336. Ford ed., x, 294.
(M. Feb. 1824)