University of Virginia Library

1632. CONSTITUTION, Definition of a.—

A constitution, ex vi termini, means “an
act above the powers of the ordinary legislature.
Constitutio, constitutum, statutum, lex, are convertible terms. “Constitutio dicitur
jus quod a principe conditur.” Constitutum quod ab imperatoribus rescriptum statutumve
est.” “Statutum, idem quod lex.” (Calvini
Lexicon juridicum.)Constitution and statute were originally terms of the [100] civil law, and
from thence introduced by ecclesiastics into
the English law. Thus in the statute 25
Hen. viii, c. 19, § 1, “Constitutions and
ordinances” are used as synonymous. The
term constitution has many other significations
in physics and politics; but in jurisprudence,
whenever it is applied to any act of the legislature,
it invariably means a statute, law, or
Notes on Virginia. Washington ed. viii, 365. Ford ed., iii, 227.


To bid, to set, was the ancient legislative word of
the English. L1. Hlotharri and Eadrici. L1. Inæ.
L1. Eadwerdi, L1. Æthelstani.—Note by Jefferson.