University of Virginia Library

1375. COLONY (Penal), Transportation to.—

As the expense of so distant a transportation
would be very heavy, and might
weigh unfavorably in deciding between the
modes of punishment, it is very desirable that
it should be lessened as much as is practicable.
If the regulations of the place would permit
these emigrants to dispose of themselves,
as the Germans and others do who come to
this country poor, by giving their labor for a
certain time to some one who will pay their
passage; and if the master of the vessel could
be permitted to carry articles of commerce
from this country and take back others from
that, which might yield him a mercantile profit
sufficient to cover the expenses of the voyage,
a serious difficulty would be removed.—
To Rufus King. Washington ed. iv, 443. Ford ed., viii, 162.
(W. 1802)