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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
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3 occurrences of jefferson cyclopedia
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1368. COLONIZATION (Negro), Africa and.—

In the disposition of these unfortunate
people, there are two rational objects to be
distinctly kept in view. First. The establishment
of a colony on the coast of Africa,
which may introduce among the aborigines
the arts of cultivated life and the blessings
of civilization and science. By doing this,
we may make to them some retribution for
the long course of injuries we have been committing
on their population. And considering
that these blessings will descend to the
“nati natorum et qui nascentur ab illis”, we
shall in the long run have rendered them
perhaps more good than evil. To fulfil this
object, the colony of Sierra Leone promises
well, and that of Mesurado adds to our prospect
of success. Under this view the Colonization
Society is to be considered as a
missionary society, having in view, however,
objects more humane, more justifiable, and
less aggressive on the peace of other nations
than the others of that appellation. The second
object, and the most interesting to us,
as coming home to our physical and moral
characters, to our happiness and safety, is
to provide an asylum to which we can, by
degrees, send the whole of that population
from among us, and establish them under
our patronage and protection, as a separate,
free and independent people, in some country
and climate friendly to human life and happiness.
That any place on the coast of Africa
should answer the latter purpose, I have ever
deemed entirely impossible. And without repeating
the other arguments which have been
urged by others, I will appeal to figures only,
which admit no controversy. [85]
To Jared Sparks. Washington ed. vii, 332. Ford ed., x, 290.
(M. 1824)


Jefferson then made a calculation showing that it
would require six hundred millions of dollars to purchase
the slaves, while the cost of transportation,
provisions, support in the settlement, &c., would take
three hundred millions additional,—an amount which
made it “impossible to look at the question a second