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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
35 occurrences of george logan
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35 occurrences of george logan
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1333. COAST LINE, Jurisdiction and.—

Governments and jurisconsults have been
much divided in opinion as to the distance
from their sea coasts to which they might
reasonably claim a right of prohibiting the
commitment of hostilities. The greatest distance,
to which any respectable assent among
nations has been at any time given, has been
the extent of the human sight, estimated at
upwards of twenty miles; and the smallest
distance, I believe, claimed by any nation
whatever, is the atmost range of a cannon
ball, usually stated at one sea league. Some
intermediate distances have also been insisted
on, and that of three sea-leagues has some
authority in its favor. The character of our
coast, remarkable in considerable parts of it
for admitting no vessels of size to pass the
shores, would entitle us in reason to as broad
a margin of protected navigation as any nation
whatever. Not proposing, however, at
this time, and without a respectful and friendly
communication with the powers interested
in this navigation, to fix on the distance to
which we may ultimately insist on the right
of protection, the President gives instructions
to the officers acting under his authority, to
consider those heretofore given them as restrained,
for the present, to the distance of
one sea-league, or three geographical miles,
from the sea shore. This distance can admit
of no opposition, as it is recognized by
treaties between some of the powers with
whom we are connected in commerce and
navigation, and is as little or less than is
claimed by any one of them on their own
coasts. [82]
To E. C. Genet. Washington ed. iv, 75. Ford ed., vi, 440.
(G. Nov. 1793)


Jefferson wrote to the same effect to Mr. Hammond,
the British Minister.—Editor.