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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
883 occurrences of jefferson
[Clear Hits]

68  expand sectionA. 
39  expand sectionB. 
66  expand sectionC. 
45  expand sectionD. 
46  expand sectionE. 
26  expand sectionF. 
22  expand sectionG. 
14  expand sectionH. 
13  expand sectionI. 
77  expand sectionJ. 
collapse sectionK. 
66  expand sectionL. 
43  expand sectionM. 
18  expand sectionN. 
expand sectionO. 
49  expand sectionP. 
expand sectionQ. 
47  expand sectionR. 
42  expand sectionS. 
30  expand sectionT. 
expand sectionU. 
expand sectionV. 
13  expand sectionW. 
expand sectionX. 
expand sectionY. 
expand sectionZ. 

15  expand section 
81  expand section 
883 occurrences of jefferson
[Clear Hits]

1273. CINCINNATI SOCIETY, Opposition in Congress.—

What are the sentiments
of Congress on this subject, and what line they
will pursue, can only be stated conjecturally.
Congress, as a body, if left to themselves, will,
in my opinion, say nothing on the subject.
They may, however, be forced into a declaration
by instructions from some of the States,
or by other incidents. Their sentiments, if
forced from them, will be unfriendly to the
institution. If permitted to pursue their own
path, they will check it by side-blows whenever
it comes in their way, and in competitions
for office, on equal or nearly equal ground,
will give silent preference to those who are
not of the fraternity. My reasons for thinking
this are, 1. The grounds on which they lately
declined the foreign order proposed to be
conferred on some of our citizens. 2. The
fourth of the fundamental articles of constitution
for the new States, * * * 3. Private
conversations on this subject with the
members. * * * I have taken occasion to extend
these, not, indeed, to the military members,
because, being of the order, delicacy
forbade it, but to the others pretty generally;
and among these, I have as yet found but
one who is not opposed to the institution.—
To General Washington. Washington ed. i, 335. Ford ed., iii, 467.
(A. April. 1784)