University of Virginia Library

967. BUCHANAN (George), Works of.

—The title of the tract of Buchanan which
you propose to translate was familiar to me, and
I possessed the tract; but no circumstance had
ever led me to look into it. Yet I think nothing
more likely than that, in the free spirit of
that age and state of society, principles should
be avowed, which were felt and followed, although
unwritten in the Scottish constitution.
Undefined powers had been intrusted to the
crown, undefined rights retained by the people,
and these depended for their maintenance on
the spirit of the people, which in that day was
dependence sufficient. [61]
To Rev. Mr. Knox. Washington ed. v, 502.
(M. 1810)


Buchanan's works were publicly burned at Oxford.
See Macaulay's History of England, Chap. II.—Editor.