University of Virginia Library

228. AGRICULTURE, Model plow.—

shall with great pleasure attend to the construction
and transmission to the Society
[Agricultural Society of Paris] of a plow
with my mould board. This is the only part
of that useful instrument to which I have
paid any particular attention. But knowing
how much the perfection of the plough must
depend, 1st, on the line of traction; 2nd, on
the direction of the share; 3rd, on the angle
of the wing; 4th, on the form of the mould
board; and persuaded that I shall find the
three first advantages, eminently exemplified
in that which the Society sends me, I am anxious
to see combined with these a mould-board
of my form, in the hope it will still advance
the perfection of that machine.—
To M. Sylvestre. Washington ed. v, 313.
(W. 1808)