University of Virginia Library

105. ADDRESSES, Threatening Replies to.—

Nor is it France alone, but his own
fellow citizens, against whom President
[Adams's] threats are uttered. In Fenno['s
paper] * * * you will see one, wherein he
says to the address from Newark, “the delusions
and misrepresentations which have
misled so many citizens, must be discountenanced
by authority as well as by the citizens
at large,” evidently alluding to those letters
from the Representatives to their constituents,
which they have been so in the habit of seeking


Page 14
after and publishing; while those sent by
the tory part of the House to their constituents,
are ten times more numerous, and replete
with the most atrocious falsehoods and
calumnies. What new law they will propose
on this subject has not yet leaked out. [14]
To James Madison. Washington ed. iv, 239. Ford ed., vii, 247.
(Pa., May. 1798)


Jefferson added a P. S. suggesting that Adams
may have been looking to the sedition bill that had
been spoken of.—Editor.