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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
883 occurrences of jefferson
[Clear Hits]

68  expand sectionA. 
39  expand sectionB. 
66  expand sectionC. 
45  expand sectionD. 
46  expand sectionE. 
26  expand sectionF. 
22  expand sectionG. 
14  expand sectionH. 
13  expand sectionI. 
77  expand sectionJ. 
expand sectionK. 
66  expand sectionL. 
43  expand sectionM. 
18  expand sectionN. 
expand sectionO. 
49  collapse sectionP. 
expand sectionQ. 
47  expand sectionR. 
42  expand sectionS. 
30  expand sectionT. 
expand sectionU. 
expand sectionV. 
13  expand sectionW. 
expand sectionX. 
expand sectionY. 
expand sectionZ. 

15  expand section 
81  expand section 
883 occurrences of jefferson
[Clear Hits]

76. ADAMS (John), previous hit Jefferson next hit and Election of.—[further continued].

You express apprehensions that stratagems will be used to produce a
misunderstanding between the President and
myself. Though not a word having this
tendency has ever been hazarded to me by
anyone, yet I consider as a certainty that
nothing will be left untried to alienate
him from me. These machinations will proceed
from the Hamiltonians by whom he is
surrounded, and who are only a little less hostile
to him than to me. It cannot but damp
the pleasure of cordiality when we suspect
that it is suspected. I cannot help thinking
that it is impossible for Mr. Adams to believe
that the state of my mind is what it really is;
that he may think I view him as an obstacle
in my way. I have no supernatural
power to impress truth on the mind of
another, nor he any to discover that the estimate
he may form, on a just view of the
human mind as generally constituted, May
not be just in its application to a special constitution.
This may be a source of private uneasiness
to us; I honestly confess that it is
so to me at this time. But neither of us is
capable of letting it have effect on our public
duties. Those who may endeavor to separate
us, are probably excited by the fear that I
might have influence on the Executive councils;
but when they shall know that I con
sider my office as constitutionally confined
to legislative functions, and that I could not
take any part whatever in executive consultations,
even were it proposed, their fears
may perhaps subside, and their object be
found not worth a machination.—
To Elbridge Gerry. Washington ed. iv, 171. Ford ed., vii, 120.
(May. 1797)