University of Virginia Library

4.Interrogative and Indefinite Pronouns

The interrogative and indefinite pronouns are expressed by identical forms, a context being required to distinguish them. Four of the stems, ha'-, -, haa-, and haad-, occur only with enclitics; the fifth, 'iyáa- [also heard yáa] may occur alone. Examples:

ha'-shíͅ gahée náyíńjaa from somewhere they had brought back coffee.

ha'-yá-hee 'iłyaałdił they went away somewhere [-hee dubitative enclitic].

ha'--hee 'ijałgho where has he gone?

hááńń shaanáyin'áͅ who has taken it from me?

doo--ń- yégósiͅ-da no one knows about them [doo-...-da negative; yégósiͅ they know about them].

-ń bik'ehgodaanndáń whoever is in charge of our lives.

doo-ha-dáͅ-daa'íͅ-da-í that which they had never seen before [doo...da negative, -dáͅ at that time, daa'íͅ they see it, -í relative enclitic].

doo--shíͅ-ła'jóláhát'é-da it was impossible to get one from anywhere [-shíͅ from anywhere].

dáá-- zh always [literally: to just any time].

haa-ee tsénaagháná where is there a rolling stone?

-haa-ee 'iłyałtsééłee wherever you see one another.

haad-ń heeł shaanáyin'áͅ who has taken the pack from me?

dáá-haad-ń k'eeshnndiiń anyone whom one hates.

haad-í nk'a'go what are your arrows?

dáá-haad-í daajiyáͅí anything that they eat.

'iyáa-shíͅ yiyáͅshiͅ what does he eat? [-shiͅ dubitative enclitic].

'iyáa 'át'éí whatever it was.

'iyáa 'ist'enní'iͅiͅí something that I have left over there.

'iyáa ńn what did you say?