University of Virginia Library

16. The Future Paradigm

The future paradigm is based upon the progressive. It is apparently formed by adding a prefix di- to the progressive forms. The resulting combinations, however, are irregular and cannot be explained in terms of the present day languages.

Person  Chiricahua  Mescalero 
Sg. 1  doosh-  doosh- 
Sg. 2  dóó-   dóͅóͅ
Sg. 3  da-  da- 
Sg. 3a  jida-  ch'ida- 
Place  goda-  goda-  
Indef.  'ida-  'ida- 
Du. 1  doo[d]-  d oͅoͅ [d]- 
Du. 1  hah-  hah- 

The future is the only obligatory tense form in Chiricahua and Mescalero Apache. All other tense variations are expressed periphrastically by means of enclitics [see number 20].