University of Virginia Library

七言律詩 李商隱 無題之二

颯颯東風細雨來, 芙蓉塘外有輕雷。
金蟾齧璅燒香入, 玉虎牽絲汲井迴。
賈氏窺簾韓掾少, 宓妃留枕魏王才。
春心莫共花爭發, 一寸想思一寸灰。

previous hit Li Shangyin next hit TO ONE UNNAMED II

A misty rain comes blowing with a wind from the east,
And wheels faintly thunder beyond Hibiscus Pool.
...Round the golden-toad lock, incense is creeping;
The jade tiger tells, on its cord, of water being drawn
A great lady once, from behind a screen, favoured a poor youth;
A fairy queen brought a bridal mat once for the ease of a prince and then vanished.
...Must human hearts blossom in spring, like all other flowers?
And of even this bright flame of love, shall there be only ashes?