University of Virginia Library

Long ago, it seems you restored someone's legs and eyes for them.

'Iłk'idáͅ, gojáde gondáa ká'ánágóndlaaná'a.
'Íyaͅaͅ, dooha'yákaadahgoos'áͅdago 'ánágódlá.
'Áíbaͅaͅ 'ánłdishndí.
Long ago, it seems you restored someone's legs and eyes for them.
This has been said.
In the same way, make him free again from disease.
That is why I am speaking to you.
(46.3) Linguistic Notes

dooha'yákaadahgoos'áͅdago 'free from disease'. doo-...-da negative; ha'yá 'something'; kaa 'disease'; dah- 'on, upon'; goos'áͅ 'a round object lies' [si- perf. neut. intr. with place subject]. Literally: 'that no kind of disease lie upon him'.