University of Virginia Library

He wants to get up with all of his body.

Gots'ise díík'eh beenáshdoodza'.
'Íyaͅaͅ nná'jílé.
'Áíí dáha'yá 'ánłjidóóndiiyá 'ágólá.
He wants to get up with all of his body.
For that reason, he is performing this ceremony,
Do that which he has asked of you.
(46.2) Linguistic Notes

1. beenáshdoodza' 'he wants to get up with it'. bee- 'with it' plus the 3a person opt. of -di-|...[ni- perf.]- 'one gets up, arises' [act. intr.]. - , -d- form of - 'one moves' [act. intr.]; -di-| 'upward'. See linguistic note to Chiricahua text 1.15, §2 for the stem irregularity.

2. nná'jílé 'he is performing this ceremony'. 3a person imp. with indef. obj. of ni--ni-...[ni- perf.]- 'to put down a rope-like object or a mass' [act. tr.]. ni- 'to a stop'; - ?; ni- completive. The. theme alone: 'to handle a rope-like object, two beings, or a mass'.