University of Virginia Library

Mountain Spirit, leader of the Mountain Spirits, your body is holy.

Gáͅhé, cheełkéń nts'ís dighiͅ.
Beenzhóͅgo 'ánágódlá.
Gots'íse 'ádeenágódlá.
Gogáleí ká'ánágódlá.
Mountain Spirit, leader of the Mountain Spirits, your body is holy.
By means of it, make him well again.
Make his body like your own.
Make him strong again.
(46.1) Linguistic Notes

'ádeenágódlá 'make it like your own'. 'ád- reflexive; ee- 'like, similar to' [?]; - 'again' plus the 2nd person imp. with 3a object of - 'to do, make [act. tr.].