University of Virginia Library

The Big Blue Mountain Spirit in the east,

Ha'óó'áͅí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsodatł'izhń,
Koͅoͅghéésh datł'izhe yeebits'ís góókáͅ,
Cheełkénant'áń, cheełkédighiné.

Nandi'áí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsołitsoń,
Cheełkénant'áń, cheełkédighiné.

Nandi'áí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsołitsoń,
Ngózhí, shigózhí,
Cheełkénant'áń, cheełkédighiné.

'I'óó'áͅí biyaazhiͅ, Gáͅhéntsołigań,
Nigózhí, shigózhí,
Cheełkénant'áń, cheełkédighiné.

Náhákosí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsodiłhiłń,
Nigózhí, shigózhí,
Cheełkénant'áń, cheełkédighiné.
The Big Blue Mountain Spirit in the east,
His spiritually hale body is made of the blue mirage,
He motions ritually by means of it;[22]
The leader of the Mountain Spirits, the holy Mountain Spirit.
The Big Yellow Mountain Spirit in the south,
The leader of the Mountain Spirits, the holy Mountain Spirit.
The Big Yellow Mountain Spirit in the south,
They are calling you, they are calling me,
The leader of the Mountain Spirits, the holy Mountain Spirit.
The Big White Mountain Spirit in the west,
They are calling you, they are calling me,
The leader of the Mountain Spirits, the holy Mountain Spirit.
The Big Black Mountain Spirit in the north,
They are calling you, they are calling me,
The leader of the Mountain Spirits, the holy Mountain Spirit.
(42.10) Linguistic Notes

1. yeets'aanaat'iͅiͅ 'he motions ritually by means of it'. yee- 'by means of it' plus the 3rd person imp. of ts'aa-naa-|...[si- perf.]-t'iͅiͅ 'to make ritual motions' [act. intr.]. Cf. 0-ł-ts'aa-naa-|...[si- perf.]- t'iͅiͅ 'to bless, to confer sacred benefits upon' [act. intr.; ł- 'with, accompanying'].

2. ngózhí, shigózhí 'they are calling you, they are calling me'. Imp. with place subject and 2nd and 1st persons object of -...[hi- perf.]-zhí 'to call by name' [act. tr.].

Ethnological Note Ethnological Note
This refers to the ritual motions and gestures which the shaman saw the Mountain Spirit perform in his vision experience and which the masked dancers perform in imitation of them.