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Then he roasted the coffee that they had given him.

'Ákoo gahéeí baajíńjaaí yiist'éná'a.
Dádaajinéł'íͅgo, hita'iisndiná'a.
Gahée yiisbéézhná'a.
Sibéézhgo, káyaadayaandííłná'a.
Then he roasted the coffee that they had given him.
As they watched, he pounded it.
He put it on the fire.
He boiled coffee.
He took it off the fire.
Still boiling, he poured it for the them.
(28.4) Linguistic Notes

1. hita'iisndiná'a 'he pounded it'. 3rd person perf. of ta-'i- ...[si- perf.]-ł-ndii 'to pound, to crush, to pulverize'. The pronoun before t'a- occurs only in the 3rd person. Cf. hi- |...[si- perf.]- ł-ndii 'to hit, strike' [act. tr.].

2. 'iłch'áͅyiis'áͅná'a 'he took it off the fire'. I do not understand this form. It seems to me to be 'iłch'áͅ 'from each other' plus yiis'áͅ 'he has caused a round object to move'.

3. káyaadayaandííłná'a 'he poured it for them'. I cannot analyze the prefix complex. The stem looks like the imp. stem of - ndííł 'to handle several objects' [act. tr.].