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Then one of them untied him.

Nágo łi'ń hik'e'óó'aná'a.
Bíchíͅí 'iná'iist'iná'a.
T'áͅyágoda hik'idahneesdáná'a.
Náánáłi'ńgo hik'izhiͅ dahnádiiłghoná'a.
Dáłáͅgo naabóóndilná'a.
Then one of them untied him.
He put a rope around his nose.
He sat on him backward.
He fell off.
Several others also got on him.
They also fell off.
Many were thrown off.
(26.3) Linguistic Notes

1. nágo łi'ń hik'e'óó'aná'a 'he untied him'. 3rd person perf. of k'e-'i- ...[hi- perf.]-'a 'to untie, to loosen' [act. intr. ?]. The pronoun before k'a- appears only in the 3rd person. The theme occurs only with this prefix complex.

2. bíchíͅí 'his nose'. -chíͅ 'nose' requires a high toned prefix.

3. 'iná'iist'iná'a 'he put a rope around it'. 3rd person perf. with indef. obj. of O-...[si- perf.]- t'é 'to put a rope around' [act. tr.]. - 'around'.

4. hik'idahneesdáná'a. 'he sat on him'. hik'i `on him' plus the 3rd person perf. of dan-ni-...[si- perf.]- daa 'one sits down upon' [act. intr.; dah- 'upon'; ni- terminative].

5. náánáłi'ńgo 'others also'. nááná- 'again, also'; łi' `one, the other'; -ń relative; -go subordinating.

6. dahnádiiłghoná'a 'they got on him'. 3rd person iter, of dah-di- |...[ni- perf.]-l- ghee 'to go up, to get on' [act. intr.; dah-di- | 'upward'].

7. naabóóndilná'a 'they were thrown off'. perf. of naa-0-...[hi- perf.]- ndííł 'several are thrown off' [pass.; naa- 'off, down']. Here the theme - ndííł 'to handle several objects' is used to refer to several people. Note, too, that though this is a passive verb there is no sign of the -d- classifier [see Grammatical Sketch, §7].