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The Child of Water, Chiricahua Apache Text

excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes

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Then White Painted Woman, before his eyes, made the tracks of a baby for him.

Then White Painted Woman, before his eyes, made the tracks of a baby for him.

`Ákoo `Isdzánádleeshéń, gondáał, `áłchiné bikék'e ká'ágólaaná'a.
Nágo Ghéé'yeń `ándee `oodláͅná'a.
Then White Painted Woman, before his eyes, made the tracks of a baby for him.[6]
And the Giant now believed her.
(1.18) Linguistic Notes

1. gondáał. 'before his eyes'. See note l.17, §2; go- 3a person possessive.

2. ká'agólaaná'a. 'she had made them so for him, it is said'. Third person perfective mode of the verb 'á...[? perf.]- 'to make, do' [act. tr.]. ká- > go- 3a object pronoun plus the post position á- 'for'.

3. ndee 'now'. Also heard ndee. Here this word functions adverbially. In structure, however, it is the third person of 'i-ni...- ndee 'to be new, recent, young' [imp. neut. intr.]. 'i- is possibly the indefinite deictic prefix; ni-, the adjectival prefix, disappears in the third person, leaving a high tone.

4. 'oodlaͅaͅ 'he believes it'. Third person imperfective mode of ho-|...[si- perf.]-dlaͅaͅ 'to believe' [act. tr.]. See note 1.17, §4; here the indefinite object ?i- is used.

Ethnological Note 6
The footprints were made with the outer side of the clenched fist, the toes being added with the finger.