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The Child of Water, Chiricahua Apache Text

excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes

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Then the Giant spoke thus to White Painted Woman:

Then the Giant spoke thus to White Painted Woman:

`Ákoo Ghéé'yeń `Isdzánádleeshéń `áiłndíná'a:
"Hanshaͅ! Shindáał `ághálá! 'Ákooná nooshdláͅ!"

Then the Giant spoke thus to White Painted Woman:
"Well then! Do it before my eyes! Only then will I believe you!"
he said to her.

(1.17) Linguistic Notes

1. hanshaͅ 'well then; very well'. An interjection indicating doubt.

2. shindáał 'ághálá 'do so before my eyes'. shindáa my eyes 'plus the postposition -ł- 'before,with'. 'ághálá, second person imperfective mode of 'ághá-...[? perf.]-lá 'to do so, tomake so' []. The prefix 'ághá 'thus, so'. Cf. note l.16, §4. There is no specifically imperative form in Chiricahua; the second person imperfective is always used to express the imperative.

3. ákooná 'only then'. The particle ákoo followed by the enclitic -ná 'only'.

4. nóóshdláͅ 'I'll believe you'. First person imperfective mode of ho-|...[si- perf.]-dláͅ 'to believe' []. noo- > ni- second person object plus the prefix ho-. The latter cannot be defined.