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Then White Painted Woman spoke thus to the Giant:

`Ákoo `Isdzánádleeshéń Ghéé'yeń `áiłndíná'a:
"Díídíí'? `Áłchiné béńdaashtsaago koyá bikék'e `ánágosh'iͅiͅ."

Then White Painted Woman spoke thus to the Giant:
"These? I long so for a baby that I often make [such] tracks right here."
she said.

(1.16) Linguistic Notes

1. The significance of word order in Chiricahua is well illustrated by comparing the first line of this passage, i. e., 'Ákoo 'Isdzánádleeshéń Ghee'yeń 'áiłndíná'a: 'then White Painted Woman spoke thus to the Giant', with the first part of the second line of passage 15: 'Ákoo Ghééyeń 'Isdzánádleeshéń 'áiłndíná'a: 'then the Giant spoke thus to White Painted Woman. This order--subject, object, verb--is rarely violated.

2. díídíí'? 'these?' See note 1.15, §4. Here the proclitic is lacking. The interrogative connotation is given by the sentence tone.

3. béńdaashtsaago 'I, longing for it'. First person imperfective mode of 0éń-daa-|...[si- perf.]-tsaa 'to long for, yearn after' [act. intr.]. I cannot define theprefixes. Cf., however, daa-|...[si- perf.]-tsaa 'to die' [act. intr.].

4. ánágosh'iͅiͅ 'I customarily make them so'. First person iterative mode of 'á-...[? perf.]- 'to make, to do' [act. tr.]. Prefix 'á- 'thus,so'. go- is the 3a object pronoun referring to the tracks. The iterative theme of this verb is irregular not only in stem form but also in the fact that it requires the -ł- classifier whereas the other paradigms have the zero classifier.