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Then [one day] she had taken him out [of the hole].

`Ákoo hanáájóółtíͅná'a.
`Áń bizáͅáͅyéń biłgózhóͅgo tsíbaͅaͅee naagháná'a.
`Ákaa hikék'ená'a.
Then [one day] she had taken him out [of the hole].
The little one walked happily about at the fireside.
There [were] his tracks.
(1.14) Linguistic Notes

1. hanáájóółtíͅná'a 'she had taken him out again, it is said'. 3a person perfective mode of ha-náá-...[hi- perf.]-l-tee 'to take an animate object out again' [act. tr.]. Theme: 'to handle an animate object'; prefixes: ha- 'out'; náá- 'again' [requires the -1- class]. Cf. note 1.12, §3.

2. 'áń bizáͅáͅyéń 'that little one'. 'áń, demonstrative stem - plus the relative enclitic -ń [see Grammatical Sketch, §3]. Note that bizáͅáͅyéń is here translated without the possessive [see note 1.5, §7].

3. biłgózhóͅgo 'he, being happy'. gózhóͅ 'there is good, happiness', third person place subject of ni- -zhóͅ 'to be good, happy' [imp. neut. intr.; ni- adjectival prefix]. Cf. note 1.6, §3. gózhóͅ is prefixed by the object pronoun bi- 'him' and the postposition ł- 'with, accompanying'.

4. tsíbáͅáͅee 'at the side of the fire'. tsí [also heard tsídí] 'fire, glowing coals', followed by the independent postposition -baͅaͅ 'border, edge, and the postpositional enclitic -ee 'at'.

5. 'ákaa hikék'ená'a 'there [were] his tracks, it is said'. This is the same type of verb-less sentence remarked in note 1.4, §1. 'ákaa 'there' [demonstr.]; -kék'e 'trail, tracks', a compound of -- 'foot' [non-possessed form] and -k'e occurring only in this compound. The prefix hi- is a variant third person possessive which is apparently of commoner occurrence in the speech of the older people.