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The Quarrel Between Thunder and Wind, Chiricahua Apache Text

excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes

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8. The Quarrel Between Thunder and Wind as told by Lawrence Mithlo

8. The Quarrel Between Thunder and Wind as told by Lawrence Mithlo

Now this [is] another of the things that happened long ago when they were creating the earth.

K'adi díídíí łigo 'ánángóót'iͅiͅí 'iłk'idáͅ ndii 'ágojiládáͅ.
Now this [is] another of the things that happened long ago when they were creating the earth.

The Wind and the Thunder were to work together.

Ńłch'i'í 'Iihndiideíbił dáłe'naa'jiziiná'a.
'Áí dáhágoohndii 'iłch'iͅiͅgołgóótoͅoͅná'a.
'Ákoo 'iłk'ájałghoná'a.
The Wind and the Thunder were to work together.
Suddenly they got angry at each other.
And they separated.
(8.2) Linguistic Notes

1. ńłch'i'í 'the wind'. ńłch'i' [also heard ń-ch'i] 'wind'. Cf. or -ł-ch'í 'wind blows' [act. intr.]. The noun may be a ni- perf. neut. intr. form of this verb.

2. 'iihndiide 'thunder'; -í relative; -bił 'with it'. 'iihndiide cannot be analyzed but it seems to bear some relation to the theme -n 'a noise is made'.

3. dáłe'naa'jiziiná'a 'they were to work together, it is said'. dáłe'- 'together' plus 3a person imp. of naa-'i-...[si- perf.]-zi 'to work' [act. intr.]. See linguistic note to Chiricahua text 6.11, §1.

4. 'iłch'iͅiͅgołgóótoͅoͅná'a 'they became angry at each other, it is said'., 'iłch'iͅiͅ 'toward each other; goł- 'with them' plus perf. of go-...[hi- perf.]-toͅoͅ 'there is trouble, difficult, anger' [act. intr.; go- place subject ?].

5. 'iłk'ájałghoná'a 'they separated, it is said'. 3a perf. of 'ił-k'á-...[hi- perf.]-l-ghee 'to separate' [act. intr.; 'ił- reciprocal; - k'á 'away, from' ?]. The theme alone: 'to go, move'.

The reason that they separated [and] got angry at each other [was that] the Thunder spoke thus to the Wind:

"Iyáabaͅaͅ 'iłk'ájałghóó'í 'iłch'iͅiͅgołgóótoͅoͅí 'Iihndiideí Ńłch'i'í 'áyiiłndí:
"Shíná sheegózhóͅ ndí doojoń ndeedeeda."
Ńłch'i'í biłjindíná'a.

The reason that they separated [and] got angry at each other [was that] the Thunder spoke thus to the Wind:
"I alone do good even if you do not help."
he said to the Wind.

(8.3) Linguistic Notes

1. shíná sheegózhóͅ 'I alone do good'. shí- indep. 1st person pronoun; - 'only, alone'. shee- 'with me, by means of me'; gózhóͅ 'there is good' [see linguistic note to Chiricahua text 1.8, §3]. Note that emphasis is achieved by the use of the indep. pronoun and the enclitic -.

2. n dí doojoń ndeedeeda 'even if you do not help'. n indep. 2nd person pronoun. doo- negative [the element -da omitted because of the other enclitic]; -deeda 'even if, although'. joń ndéé, 2nd person of joo-ni-...-ndee 'to be helpful' [imp. neut. intr.]. joo- thematic; ni- adj.

Then the Wind spoke thus to him:

'Ákoo Nłchi'í 'ágoołndíná'a:
"nDíná neegózhóͅ ń ndí híͅíͅyaͅaͅda, ńza'yá nch'áͅnádéshdzá."
Ńłch'i'í 'Iihndiideí yiiłndíná'a.

Then the Wind spoke thus to him:
"Because you say that you alone do good, I'll go far away from you."
the Wind said to the Thunder.

(8.4) Linguistic Notes

ńza'yá nch'áͅnádéshdzá 'I'll go far away from you'. ńza' 'far away' [see linguistic note to Chiricahua text 5.2, §2]. nch'áͅ 'from you'. nádéshdzá 1st person perf. of -di-...[si- perf.]-d- 'one begins to return, go back' [act. intr.; - 'back'; di- inceptive].

Then the Wind went far away from him to the end of the earth.

'Ákoo Ńch'i'í ńza'yá nii'gáshbaͅaͅyá goch'áͅ'inóódzáná'a.
Nágo doońłch'i'daná'a.
Dágoosdo náánóółt'eená'a.
Then the Wind went far away from him to the end of the earth.
And there was no wind.
It was always very hot.
(8.5) Linguistic Notes

1. nii'gáshbaͅaͅyá 'to the end of the earth'. nii'-, compounded form of ndi 'earth'; -gásh- a unique morpheme; -baͅaͅ 'edge, border'; - pp.

2. goch'áͅ'inóódzáná'a 'he went away from him, it is said'. goch'áͅ 'from him' plus 3rd person perf. of 'i--...[hi- perf.]-d- 'one goes back away' [act. intr.; 'i- 'away'; - 'back'].

3. dágoosdo 'it was very hot'. - 'very'; gosdo '[weather] is hot' [si- perf. neut. intr. with place subject].

Then the Thunder, he who had said: "I alone do good," caused much rain but it was always very hot.

'Ákoo 'Iihndiideń, "Shíná sheegózhóͅ," ndínń, łáͅgo naagołtiͅgo 'ágósiͅ ndah dágoosdo náánóółt'eená'a.
Ńłch'i'ń doohaaeeda Nágo 'Iihndiideń doobiłgózhóͅdána'a.
Then the Thunder, he who had said: "I alone do good," caused much rain but it was always very hot.
There were no crops.
It was not good.
The Wind was nowhere and the Thunder did not like it.
(8.6) Linguistic Notes

1. łáͅgo naagołtiͅgo 'ágósiͅ, 'he caused much rain'. łáͅ 'much, many'; naagołtiͅ 'it is raining' [imp. neut. intr. with prefix naa- 'about' and place subject]. 'ágósiͅ, 3rd person with place object of -ni-...- ł-ziͅ, 'to make so, to cause to be so' [imp. neut. tr.; - 'so'; ni- adj.]. The theme alone is a causative of -ziͅ 'to think, feel, desire'.

2. doo'nt'áͅdaná'a 'there were no crops, it is said'. 'nt'áͅ, 3rd person imp. with indef. subj. of ni-...[si- perf.]-táͅ 'to grow' [act. intr.; ni- terminative].

Then he continually set up feathers.

Nágo 'its'os 'ináitsiná'a.
'Its'osí bikázhiͅ Ńłch'i'í ch'édaháshdees'íͅná'a.
Then he continually set up feathers.
He looked in vain for the Wind on the feathers.
(8.7) Linguistic Notes

1. -ts'os 'downy feather' [requires a poss. prefix].

2. 'ináitsiná'a 'he continually set them up, it is said'. 3rd person iter. with 3rd person obj. of 'i- |...[hi- perf.]-tsé 'to set a long pointed object in [e. g., in the ground]' [act. intr.]. 'i-| 'away, in'. The theme alone: 'to do something with a long pointed object.

3. ch'édaháshdees'íͅná'a 'he looked in vain for it, it is said'. ch'éda- 'in vain' [cf. linguistic note to Chiricahua text 5.5, §2] plus 3a person perf. of -di...[si- perf.]-íͅ [perf. stem] 'to look for' [act. tr.; - 'for'; di- ?]. This verb appears only in the perfective mode. Note that the deictic prefix ji- 3a subject reduces to sh-.

Then he did not feel right about it.

Nágo doogołgózhóͅdaná'a.
Ńłch'i'í bichiͅiͅ'i'jóół'a'ná'a.
"Shik'iséͅ, ndídoohaaeeda nágo doogózhóͅda. Doo'nt''áͅda. Dágoosdo'égoosdo. Híͅíͅyaͅaͅda, nooshkaͅaͅ shanáńndá. 'Iͅiͅshíͅndáse, dánahíłk'eh ndiibikáee naheegózhóͅdaał. Dáłe'naa'iidziidaał. Dáłe'hoot'ashdaał. Nahk'ehgo, ná'nt'íͅdaał."
'iihndiideí goołndígo, gooskaͅaͅná'a.

Then he did not feel right about it.
He sent for the Wind.
He spoke thus to him:
"My brother, you are nowhere and it is not good. There are no crops. It is very, very, hot. Because of that, I beg you [to] come back to me. From now on, both of us will do good on the surface of the earth. We will work together. We will travel together. Because of us, there will be good crops."
the Thunder said to him, pleading with him.

(8.8) Linguistic Notes

1. bichiͅiͅ'i'jóół'a'ná'a 'he sent for him, it is said'. bichiͅiͅ 'toward him' plus 3a person perf. with indef. obj. of 'i-|...[hi- perf.]-ł- 'to send for, to send [someone] away' [act. tr.; 'i-| 'away']. A better translation of the text form would be: 'he had sent someone [or, a message] to him, it is said'.

2. dágoosdo'égoosdo ' it is very, very hot' . - 'very'; goosdo'é, presumably an archaic combination of goosdo 'it is hot' and -é relative; goosdo 'it is hot'. One of the very few cases of reduplication in Chiricahua [see linguistic not to Chiricahua text 1.15, §4].

3. nooshkaͅaͅ 'I beg you'. 1st person imp. with 2nd person obj. of ho-|...[si- perf.]-kaͅaͅ 'to beg, plead' [act. tr.; ho-| ?]. The last word of this passage [of the text] is the 3rd person perf. with 3a object of this verb. Cf. also linguistic not to Chiricahua text 1.7, §1.

4. dáłe'naa'iidziidaał 'we will work together'. dáłe'- 'together' plus 1st person dual imp. of naa-'i- ...[si- perf.]-zii 'to work [act. intr.; see note 8.2, §3], and the future tense enclitic. Note, in the verb, that the final -d of the 1st person dual pronoun has combined with the stem initial [see Grammatical Sketch, §12].

5. dáłe'hoot'ashdaał 'we will travel together'. dáłe'- 'together' plus lst person dual prog. of -aash 'two move' [act. intr.], and the future tense enclitic. Here, as in the preceding verb, the 1st person dual pronoun has combined with the stem initial.

6. nahk'ehgo ná'nt'íͅdaał 'because of us there will be crops'. nah- 'us'; -keh 'by reason of'; -go subord. ná'nt'íͅ, 3rd person iter. with indef. subj. of ni-...[si- perf.]- t'áͅ 'to grow' [act. intr.]. -daał future tense enclitic.

Then the Wind came back to him.

'Ákoo Nłch'i'í kaanájáná'a.
'Áíbee, naagołtiͅgo, daa'dihndígo ńłch'i'bił.
Dáłe'ja'ash náánóółt'ee.
Then the Wind came back to him.
He became his friend again.
That is why, when it rains, there is thunder with the wind.
They go along together always.
(8.9) Linguistic Notes

gojoonáánásndeená'a 'he became his friend again, it is said'. 3rd person perf. of 0-joo- nááná-...[si- perf.]-d-ndee 'to become someone's friend again, to help someone again' [act. intr.]. 'joo- thematic; nááná- 'again'.

Linguistic Notes by Harry Hoijer

(8.2) Linguistic Notes

1. ńłch'i'í 'the wind'. ńłch'i' [also heard ń-ch'i] 'wind'. Cf. or -ł-ch'í 'wind blows' [act. intr.]. The noun may be a ni- perf. neut. intr. form of this verb.

2. 'iihndiide 'thunder'; -í relative; -bił 'with it'. 'iihndiide cannot be analyzed but it seems to bear some relation to the theme -n 'a noise is made'.

3. dáłe'naa'jiziiná'a 'they were to work together, it is said'. dáłe'- 'together' plus 3a person imp. of naa-'i-...[si- perf.]-zi 'to work' [act. intr.]. See linguistic note to Chiricahua text 6.11, §1.

4. 'iłch'iͅiͅgołgóótoͅoͅná'a 'they became angry at each other, it is said'., 'iłch'iͅiͅ 'toward each other; goł- 'with them' plus perf. of go-...[hi- perf.]-toͅoͅ 'there is trouble, difficult, anger' [act. intr.; go- place subject ?].

5. 'iłk'ájałghoná'a 'they separated, it is said'. 3a perf. of 'ił-k'á-...[hi- perf.]-l-ghee 'to separate' [act. intr.; 'ił- reciprocal; - k'á 'away, from' ?]. The theme alone: 'to go, move'.

(8.3) Linguistic Notes

1. shíná sheegózhóͅ 'I alone do good'. shí- indep. 1st person pronoun; - 'only, alone'. shee- 'with me, by means of me'; gózhóͅ 'there is good' [see linguistic note to Chiricahua text 1.8, §3]. Note that emphasis is achieved by the use of the indep. pronoun and the enclitic -.

2. n dí doojoń ndeedeeda 'even if you do not help'. n indep. 2nd person pronoun. doo- negative [the element -da omitted because of the other enclitic]; -deeda 'even if, although'. joń ndéé, 2nd person of joo-ni-...-ndee 'to be helpful' [imp. neut. intr.]. joo- thematic; ni- adj.

(8.4) Linguistic Notes

ńza'yá nch'áͅnádéshdzá 'I'll go far away from you'. ńza' 'far away' [see linguistic note to Chiricahua text 5.2, §2]. nch'áͅ 'from you'. nádéshdzá 1st person perf. of -di-...[si- perf.]-d- 'one begins to return, go back' [act. intr.; - 'back'; di- inceptive].

(8.5) Linguistic Notes

1. nii'gáshbaͅaͅyá 'to the end of the earth'. nii'-, compounded form of ndi 'earth'; -gásh- a unique morpheme; -baͅaͅ 'edge, border'; - pp.

2. goch'áͅ'inóódzáná'a 'he went away from him, it is said'. goch'áͅ 'from him' plus 3rd person perf. of 'i--...[hi- perf.]-d- 'one goes back away' [act. intr.; 'i- 'away'; - 'back'].

3. dágoosdo 'it was very hot'. - 'very'; gosdo '[weather] is hot' [si- perf. neut. intr. with place subject].

(8.6) Linguistic Notes

1. łáͅgo naagołtiͅgo 'ágósiͅ, 'he caused much rain'. łáͅ 'much, many'; naagołtiͅ 'it is raining' [imp. neut. intr. with prefix naa- 'about' and place subject]. 'ágósiͅ, 3rd person with place object of -ni-...- ł-ziͅ, 'to make so, to cause to be so' [imp. neut. tr.; - 'so'; ni- adj.]. The theme alone is a causative of -ziͅ 'to think, feel, desire'.

2. doo'nt'áͅdaná'a 'there were no crops, it is said'. 'nt'áͅ, 3rd person imp. with indef. subj. of ni-...[si- perf.]-táͅ 'to grow' [act. intr.; ni- terminative].

(8.7) Linguistic Notes

1. -ts'os 'downy feather' [requires a poss. prefix].

2. 'ináitsiná'a 'he continually set them up, it is said'. 3rd person iter. with 3rd person obj. of 'i- |...[hi- perf.]-tsé 'to set a long pointed object in [e. g., in the ground]' [act. intr.]. 'i-| 'away, in'. The theme alone: 'to do something with a long pointed object.

3. ch'édaháshdees'íͅná'a 'he looked in vain for it, it is said'. ch'éda- 'in vain' [cf. linguistic note to Chiricahua text 5.5, §2] plus 3a person perf. of -di...[si- perf.]-íͅ [perf. stem] 'to look for' [act. tr.; - 'for'; di- ?]. This verb appears only in the perfective mode. Note that the deictic prefix ji- 3a subject reduces to sh-.

(8.8) Linguistic Notes

1. bichiͅiͅ'i'jóół'a'ná'a 'he sent for him, it is said'. bichiͅiͅ 'toward him' plus 3a person perf. with indef. obj. of 'i-|...[hi- perf.]-ł- 'to send for, to send [someone] away' [act. tr.; 'i-| 'away']. A better translation of the text form would be: 'he had sent someone [or, a message] to him, it is said'.

2. dágoosdo'égoosdo ' it is very, very hot' . - 'very'; goosdo'é, presumably an archaic combination of goosdo 'it is hot' and -é relative; goosdo 'it is hot'. One of the very few cases of reduplication in Chiricahua [see linguistic not to Chiricahua text 1.15, §4].

3. nooshkaͅaͅ 'I beg you'. 1st person imp. with 2nd person obj. of ho-|...[si- perf.]-kaͅaͅ 'to beg, plead' [act. tr.; ho-| ?]. The last word of this passage [of the text] is the 3rd person perf. with 3a object of this verb. Cf. also linguistic not to Chiricahua text 1.7, §1.

4. dáłe'naa'iidziidaał 'we will work together'. dáłe'- 'together' plus 1st person dual imp. of naa-'i- ...[si- perf.]-zii 'to work [act. intr.; see note 8.2, §3], and the future tense enclitic. Note, in the verb, that the final -d of the 1st person dual pronoun has combined with the stem initial [see Grammatical Sketch, §12].

5. dáłe'hoot'ashdaał 'we will travel together'. dáłe'- 'together' plus lst person dual prog. of -aash 'two move' [act. intr.], and the future tense enclitic. Here, as in the preceding verb, the 1st person dual pronoun has combined with the stem initial.

6. nahk'ehgo ná'nt'íͅdaał 'because of us there will be crops'. nah- 'us'; -keh 'by reason of'; -go subord. ná'nt'íͅ, 3rd person iter. with indef. subj. of ni-...[si- perf.]- t'áͅ 'to grow' [act. intr.]. -daał future tense enclitic.

(8.9) Linguistic Notes

gojoonáánásndeená'a 'he became his friend again, it is said'. 3rd person perf. of 0-joo- nááná-...[si- perf.]-d-ndee 'to become someone's friend again, to help someone again' [act. intr.]. 'joo- thematic; nááná- 'again'.