Coyote and the Rock Rabbit, Chiricahua Apache Text excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes |
12. Coyote and the Rock Rabbit as told by Sam
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Coyote and the Rock Rabbit, Chiricahua Apache Text | ||
12. Coyote and the Rock Rabbit as told by Sam Kenoi
Coyote was walking [along] a road.
May'eń 'íńtin hołghołná'a.
Gah 'íńtiní bibaͅaͅshíͅ sitíͅgo yiiłtsáͅná'a.
'Áí Gahí tséghee'heesndiłná'a.
He saw a Rabbit lying on the edge of the road.
Rocks were lying inside that Rabbit.
tséghe'heesndiłná'a 'rocks were lying inside it, it is said'. That is, it was a rabbit skin stuffed with rocks. tsé 'rocks' plus the perf. of ghe'-hi-...[si- perf.]-d-n dííł 'several objects are put inside' [pass.; ghe'- 'inside'; hi- ?]. The line is better translated: 'rocks have been put inside that rabbit'.
[Coyote] jumped toward it.
He bit at the center of it.
'ijóółhazhná'a 'he bit at it, it is said'. 3rd person perf.of 'i-|...[hi- perf.]-ł-yash 'to take a bite at, to snap at' [act. intr. ?; i-| ?]. -ghash is the semelf. imp. stem; -gháásh is the mom. imp. stem of this theme.
"Ow... ! I thought it was Rabbit!"
Linguistic Notes by Harry Hoijer
tséghe'heesndiłná'a 'rocks were lying inside it, it is said'. That is, it was a rabbit skin stuffed with rocks. tsé 'rocks' plus the perf. of ghe'-hi-...[si- perf.]-d-n dííł 'several objects are put inside' [pass.; ghe'- 'inside'; hi- ?]. The line is better translated: 'rocks have been put inside that rabbit'.
Coyote and the Rock Rabbit, Chiricahua Apache Text | ||